Oil Paintings - Turquoise series

Joanna’s paintings from ‘Turquoise’ series were created during the lockdown and time of isolation. In her colourfully decorated flat filled with plants, and isolated from family and friends, her surroundings and her partner became her only world, more intensely felt and observed than ever before.  The results of these heightened observations  are these paintings -  the ordinary but touching intimate scenes of their everyday life enveloped by light, colour, patterns and textures of their shared home-cum-studio- the other character in her paintings.
She paints herself as isolated but brush in hand absorbed in her task, or asleep. In another pose, she is dressed in a white dress, inward looking - is she a bride, but where is the groom? In both paintings she is away from the world in her own thoughts or dreams. 
Her husband Jarek is in one painting the romantic image of  a young hero, just rising in the morning, full of energy and optimism.  He is unencumbered by fear or responsibility, the sun shines, the world before him is his to explore. In another he is hunched over, dressed in a cheerful  yellow jacket, his face is drawn, moody,  he appears isolated perhaps  in a war with his own thoughts.  
In all these paintings, the room pushes itself forward,  vibrant, bursting with colour,  teeming with thoughtless plants, intent on their own growth.  It will not disappear into the background.


2021 INTIMATE TIMES series


2019 - I SEE YOU series