Tender in Red
Tender In Red - oil and acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100cm
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'Tender In Red' painting explores the relationship and love between two people from different backgrounds and cultures. The artist takes inspiration from a couple living in her neighbourhood. Her friends shared intimate moments where they relaxed and enjoyed their own company. Through the composition and vibrancy of the colours, Pilarczyk captures a burst of new love, fascination within each other, and shared trust between a Greek woman and a young English man.
In the 'My Paradise' series, the artist also explores leisure, time of meditation, and stillness when her subjects are simply being without any responsibility.
Tender In Red - oil and acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100cm
Free Shipping worldwide. Customs (20 % of the price) apply to artworks shipped outside the UK. Kindly contact me via email in case of any questions - joanna.pilarczyk@outlook.com
'Tender In Red' painting explores the relationship and love between two people from different backgrounds and cultures. The artist takes inspiration from a couple living in her neighbourhood. Her friends shared intimate moments where they relaxed and enjoyed their own company. Through the composition and vibrancy of the colours, Pilarczyk captures a burst of new love, fascination within each other, and shared trust between a Greek woman and a young English man.
In the 'My Paradise' series, the artist also explores leisure, time of meditation, and stillness when her subjects are simply being without any responsibility.
Tender In Red - oil and acrylic on canvas, 100 x 100cm
Free Shipping worldwide. Customs (20 % of the price) apply to artworks shipped outside the UK. Kindly contact me via email in case of any questions - joanna.pilarczyk@outlook.com
'Tender In Red' painting explores the relationship and love between two people from different backgrounds and cultures. The artist takes inspiration from a couple living in her neighbourhood. Her friends shared intimate moments where they relaxed and enjoyed their own company. Through the composition and vibrancy of the colours, Pilarczyk captures a burst of new love, fascination within each other, and shared trust between a Greek woman and a young English man.
In the 'My Paradise' series, the artist also explores leisure, time of meditation, and stillness when her subjects are simply being without any responsibility.